TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Torque converter reassembly
General. Reassembly of torque converter requires a clean, dust free location. Insure that work bench and all
converter parts are thoroughly clean and dry. During reassembly some parts will be soaked or coated with diesel fuel
(torque converter fluid); DO NOT use more fluid than required and wipe up any spills.
Do not attempt to repair parts in work area where you are assembling torque converter. Sanding
or polishing nicks and burrs will leave fine metal dust and grit in work area which will require
recleaning all parts and work area. Small amounts of this type of foreign material can seriously
damage converter.
During reassembly reinspect each part for burrs, nicks or similar damage. Refer to paragraph 6-35 for repair or
replacement of damaged parts.
Refer to Figure 6-35 and assembly fluid seal assemblies as follows:
During this assembly, be sure rubber elements and washers are properly seated. Apply a film of
motor oil to sealing surfaces of steel nose piece and carbon mating ring for lubrication and
protection during reassembly of converter.
Start at drive end and install lip type oil seal in its bore on bearing side of seal carrier. Lip of this seal will
face bearing.
Lay seal carrier on a clean surface, oil seal side down.
Place garter spring in rubber element and install rubber element in its bore in seal carrier, garter spring
side up. Lubricate this side of rubber element with clean oil.
Install retaining washer, or spring carrier, shoulder side down in mating bore of rubber element.
Fill spring counterbores in nose piece with grease. Place compression springs in grease filled
counterbores. Lubricate the skirt of nose piece into lip of rubber element. Line up clip slots in nose piece with clip slots
in seal carrier.
Invert nose piece and install it in seal carrier. Exercise care in entering skirt of nose piece into lip of rubber
element. Line up clip slots in nose piece with clip slots in seal carrier.