TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Air distribution
Compression and Storage. Figure 6-38 shows the items needed to receive the compressed air from the
compressor, control the pressure, store the air and ensure delivery of clean, dry air to the control console.
System Elements
Air from the compressor is carried by 5/8 inch Teflon hose and suitable fittings, through a check valve to
the air reservoir.
Pressure-sensing air is transmitted from a fitting at the top of the air reservoir through 1/4-inch "push-on"
hose to the "reservoir" port of the compressor governor.
Control air passes from the reservoir through an air line filter to remove any entrained dirt or moisture to
the control console.
Clean, dry control air is received at the control console manifold. The winch operating valves and throttle
control then direct control air through the hoist air terminal and from there through 5/8 inch pneumatic hoses to:
the air/hydraulic actuator assemblies for drum clutch no. 1, drum clutch no. 2, or both;
the service brake actuator assemblies at drum no. 1 brake, drum no. 2 brake, or both;
the parking brake release inlet at the brake actuators for drum no. 1 brake, drum no. 2 brake, or
the drum dog set actuator at drum no. 1, drum no. 2, or both;
(through 3/8-inch black Nylo-Seal tubing to) the throttle slave cylinder at the engine.
Controls. All winch operating controls with the engine throttle are grouped at the winch operating console is
mounted on a bracket bolted to the winch frame on the right side (the side opposite to the chain case). The winch control
valves described above are so mounted in the console that the operating handles for each are convenient to the operator
(Figure 6-39). An air pressure gage is mounted at each drum brake operating handle, and a manifold air pressure gage
is mounted at the top right of the console. An engine speed indicator (tachometer) is mounted by the throttle control
handle on the console.