A. The Trouble-Shooting Chart and associated electrical and plumbing schematics will enable plant engineers to
diagnose and trouble-shoot most system malfunctions. Several additional factors may also help.
1. If the main water supply to the unit must be temporarily disconnected, make sure to TURN OFF the Main
Disconnect Switch to the unit.
2. If the salt or water feed rate has been radically changed, then contents of the holding tank must also be
adjusted, i.e., if the water rate has been set too low or the salt feed set too high, then the contents of the tank must
be diluted. The opposite is true if the reverse has occurred.
3. If less than 230/460 VAC 3 Phase 50/60 HZ is supplied to the unit, the voltage to the cells will be low by
approximately 0.5 volt D.C. As the optimum operating voltage is 6.0 to 6.5 volts D.C. a decrease in cell current
will be evidenced by a drop in the D. C. Ammeter. If the system is generating sufficient Hypochlorite in this
condition no adjustment is required. If the unit is required to operate at maximum capacity, however, change the
taps on the transformers as shown in BI-652-D Wiring Diagram, or increase the salt feed.
4. The Cell D.C. Voltage consists of full wave rectified D.C. If it is necessary to check the cell voltage, use a D.C.
Voltmeter with a 1 to 10 or 1 to 15 volt D.C. scale.