TM 55-1930-209-14&P-5
Section I. General information
1-1 Purpose. This Technical Manual (TM) describes the operation and maintenance of drinking water system Installed
onboard Water Purification Barges Information on other systems onboard the barge is In TM 55-1930-20914&P-1 thru P-
4 and P6 thru P-17. TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18 contains appendices common to all TM's Location of major barge
components Is shown in Figure 1-1.
1-2 Scope. The drinking water system provides storage for water produced by the Reverse Osmosis Water Purification
Units (ROWPU's) and Includes pumps and valves to move that water from onboard storage tanks to the shore discharge
system, to another vessel, or overboard It also provides a pressurized water supply for drinking and washing onboard the
1-3 Warranties and guarantees. Warranty/guarantee information Is in Chapter 7
1-4 Maintenance forms and records. Required maintenance forms and records are explained in DA PAM 738-750,
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
1-5 Destruction of Army materiel to prevent enemy use. This shall be as directed In TM 750-244-3
1-6 Storage For storage of this system, refer to Chapter 5
Section II. Description and data
1-7 Description. The drinking water system for Barge 1 (Figure 1-2) and for Barges 2 and 3 (Figure 1-3) stores 15,000
gallons of drinking water In four 3,750-gallon tanks and 250 gallons In a reserve tank The system supplies drinking water
by one of two discharge pumps to a shore facility or to another vessel, or water can be discharged directly overboard
through a port discharge valve The pressure set supplies onboard drinking water to the reserve tank, to the dayroom
drinking fountain and sink, to the shower on the forward deck, to four washdown stations In the ROWPU space to the
chlorination system In void 2 port, and to the washdown station on deckhouse top Major components of the drinking
water system are shown In Figures 1-2 and 1-3, and listed in Table 1-1 A block diagram of the drinking water system is
shown In Figure 1-4 for Barge 1 and Figure 1-5 for Barges 2 and 3