TM 55-1930-209-14&P-5
5-1. Short-term storage. If barge is taken out of service for more than 7 days but less than 30 days, follow
normal shutdown procedures in paragraph 3-11. Inspect for corrosion, damage, and pilferage
5-2. Administrative storage. If the barge is to be taken out of service for more than 30 days but less than 6
months, perform the administrative storage procedures in paragraph 5-2.1 While in storage, perform the
inspection procedures in paragraph 5-2 2
5-2.1. Administrative storage procedures
Valve numbers referred to in the following procedures are the same as shown in Figures 1-2 and 1-3.
Stop Rows by following procedures in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3
Stop chlorination system by following procedures In TM 55-1930-209-14&P-4
c. Position drinking water valves as follows.
*On Barges 2 and 3 only
Discharge water from storage tanks through port valve DW15 In accordance with paragraph 3-6 2
Open drinking water valve DW10 to drain remaining water from storage tanks to bilge
Open all remaining drinking water valves
Drain pressure set and discharge pumps by breaking open pipes at lowest point on line
Open access cover hatches on four storage tanks and reserve tank and check zinc coating on Inside of
tanks. If any rust is showing, clean off rust and touch up with zinc coating If necessary, clean sediment
from bottom of tanks
Clean glass pressure gauges and Indicators with a lint-free cloth
Open switchboard circuit breakers P9 (shore discharge pump 1) and P15 (shore discharge pump 2) to
turn off electrical power to pump motor controllers
Open power panel 1 circuit breaker 11 P5 to turn off electrical power to pressure set motor controller.
Clean grease-coated surfaces with a clean, lint-free cloth moistened with cleaning solvent P-D-680,
Scrub off hard deposits with a bristle brush dipped In solvent. Dry surfaces with a clean, lint-free cloth
m. Thoroughly clean all other external surfaces to remove any corrosion or other foreign matter Clean all
surfaces, except electrical parts. with soapy water and a stiff bristle brush Then flush with clean water
Clean motor controllers and remote start/stop switches by wiping with a clean cloth moistened with
silicone spray lubricant. Remove corrosion by wire brushing or sanding.
Touch up paint, as necessary, to match surrounding areas In accordance with TB 43-0144. Do not
paint threads