15H pump and motor. service manual
Then install the bearing spacer (7) open side up.
NOTE: For motors-use special bronze insert
(14) with back-up ring (13) and shaft seal (15) in
l.D. groove of insert and "O" ring gasket (16) in
O.D. groove of insert.
Repack the shaft ball bearing (4) with a #2
consistency lithium base, high temperature, ball
bearing grease. Press the bearing onto the
drive shaft (6) being sure it is seated against the
shaft shoulder.
Insert the assembled shaft into the shaft end
cover (9).
Fig. 7 Inserting assembled shaft
Place bearing seal (3) and bearing shield (2) on
Fig. 8 Installing bearing seal and shield
With ends of "Spirolox" snap ring (1) spread
apart, insert one end of snap ring into groove.
Then wind balance of the snap ring into the
Fig. 9 Installing Spirolox snap ring
Turn shaft end cover over, place in vise with
gear side up.
Lay the thrust plate (22) on the bench and cut
four pocket seals (21) slightly (1/32 to 1/36")
longer than the four outer slots in the thrust
plate. Set them aside for a minute.
Place some heavy grease in the two middle
slots of the thrust plate (22). Cut two pocket
seals (20) 3/16" long. They may run 1/64"
longer but if cut any shorter they must be
Fig. 10 Inserting pocket seals
All pocket seals are cut from a strip
obtainable as a service item. They
must be cut with a razor blade as a
rocket knife is not sharp enough.
Insert the seals in the slots.
Commercial Shearing, Inc. 1964