ENGINEERING DATAFEATURESThe main objective in this square head design is toprovide a cylinder to fit minimum space requirements,coupled with maximum strength and wear characteristic.The only parts subject to wear are the piston cups, rodpacking and bearing, The life of these part’s greatlyincreased because of the mechanical stability inherentin the extra-long piston rod bearing. This reducesmaintenance worries and costly downtime.The standard cylinder has a wide versatility ofpopulation since all mountings are interchangeable withall NFPA/JIC cylinders. Cylinders may be mounted inany position. The piston stroke is made to yourspecification, even to the fraction of an inch.PRESSURESSeries 'H' cylinders are rated at 3,000 P.S.I. operatingpressure. Certain mounting styles may be used inhigher pressure non-shock applications. Please consultyour distributor.TEMPERATURE RANGESees 'H' cylinders are designed to perform well incontinuous operation at temperatures ranging from -30°F. to +200° F. If your needs should extend into otheroperating temperatures, consult our distributor forspecific recommendations, giving temperature range,medium, and cycle time.LUBRICATIONSeries 'H' cylinders are designed for oil operation,lubricated with mineral or petroleum-base oils. Forspecial acetic or gaseous fluids or where syntheticlubricants are used, consult our distributor, giving fulldetails and information.MOUNTINGStandard NFPA/JIC mounting styles are shown in thiscatalog. For special mountings or combinationmountings, contact our distributor.PORTINGStandard cylinders will be furnished with NPTF ports.SAE straight thread 'O' ring ports, in comparable size topipe port can be had optionally at no extra cost. Wheremounting clearances permit, the ports can be had in anyof four positions in either head, Indicate both portlocations by position number 1, 2, 3, or 4. Unlessotherwise specified, the ports will be furnished inposition number 1 (Port position numbers can be locatedon each mounting specification diagram.)CUSHIONSCushioning is achieved by trapping oil between thepiston and cylinder head, then allowing the oil to escapeat a predetermined rate. This is accomplished byclosing off the normal oil passage a the piston nears thecylinder head, trapping and bleeding oil through anadjustable needle valve.Cylinder may be furnished cushioned at both endsor at either end. If only one end of the stroke is to becushioned, in designating the end of the cylinder atwhich this cushion action is to take place, the ends ofthe cylinder should be referred to as the 'Head" or 'Rod"end, and the other end as the "Cap" or 'Blind" end. Thiswill avoid confusion and delay.Cushioning is designed to properly cushion thecylinder and is NOT intended to cushion large-inertialoads. Cushions are not a substitute for speed controls,or deceleration valves.ADJUSTABLE CUSHION VALVEThe needle valve provided on cushioned cylinderspermits infinite adjustment of the cushioning effect toany degree desired. The cushion adjust valve issupplied at position #2 standard unless otherwisespecified. A cushion ball Check is at position #4standard.NOTE: Some cylinder and rod combinations willhave a fixed cushion on the rod end and not have aneedle valve adjustment.PISTON RODThe standard piston rod is cold drawn carbon steel withan induction hardened case of 50 Rc. It is hard chromeplated and finished to 16 microinches, providing asmooth, hard. dent and abrasion resistant surface.These features extend seal and bearing life and reducemaintenance cost.ROD PACKING CARTRIDGEOur rod packing cartridge is designed as a unitizedassembly, made of SAE 660 bearing bronze. Theunitize rod cartridge is easily removable withoutdisturbing the torque on the tie rods and by using astandard Allen wrench. The piston rod bearing isexceptionally long, providing excellent piston rodalignment, and contributing to the very long life of thecylinder.ROD SEALA polyflex seal is employed to seal the piston rod,providing a virtually zero leak seal with long life and withfriction held to a minimum. The highly resilient lip ispressure-actuated and wear compensating, givingcomplete reliability after millions of cycles.ROD WIPERThe rod wiper is urethane, of the projecting lip type.The recess in the cartridge will accept any MS28776 (orAN6231) standard rod wiper. Alternate materialsinclude teflon or brass.PISTONA special close grained nodular iron casting is used for aone-.a piston. The piston is piloted and torqued onto thepiston rod with thread size adjusted to rod diameter.LOCTITE is used to chemically lock and S the Ion tothe rod permanently.PISTON SEALPolyflex seals are furnished as standard. and provide avirtually zero leak seal. These seals are generallyaccepted by engineers as the most effective sealavailable.TOLERANCESAll dimensions are in inches. Stroke length tolerance is± 1/32, Closerr tolerance can be had at extra cost.
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