Rilsan Outer Jacket Repair
The Rilsan outer jacket is a continuously extruded thermoplastic sheath (0.2" thick) which provides extra protection to the
flexible pipe during bottom tow on the seafloor. The outer jacket does not participate in the mechanical strength of the
flexible pipe, or in its pressure integrity. In fact, even if the Rilsan outer jacket was completely eliminated, the flexible
pipe would retain all its properties because of the pressure of High Density Polyethylene Sheath (0.15" thick) right
underneath the Rilsan. Because Rilsan and HDPE are of different colors, it is easy to determine when the Rilsan outer
jacket has been damaged through its entire thickness.
Minor damages to the Rilsan outer jacket, such as tears, cuts, scratches and wear, do not require any repair action,
provided they do not affect the entire thickness of the Rilsan material.
For a larger damage, a repair can be-conducted in order to restore the continuity of the Rilsan outer jacket. It is
recommended that Coflexip be contacted for such repair work; however, repairs can also be performed by normally
trained technicians. A repair kit is included