TM 55-1930-209-14&P-7
Section I. General
1-1 Purpose. This technical manual (TM) describes the operation and maintenance of the compressed air system on
Water Purification Barges. Differences between the compressed air system on Barge 1 and other barges are noted in
appropriate paragraphs and figures. Otherwise, information pertains to all barges. Information on other systems installed
onboard is in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1 thru P-6 and P-8 thru P-17. TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18 and
TM 55-1930-209-14&P-20 contains appendices common to all TM's. Location of major components is shown in
Figure 1-4.
1-2 Scope. The compressed air system provides air to nine Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) air
stations. Six of these (stations 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 in ROWPU space, station 3 in workshop) are for operating air-powered
impact tools and general cleaning blowdown. The seventh outlet (station 6) provides air for propelling a PIG (an 8-inch
long polyfoam cylinder) through the shore discharge hose to force out water in the hose before reeling in the hose.
Stations 8 and 9 provide regulated compressed air for blowdown of two seachests to remove foreign material that may be
clogging seachest intakes.
1-3 Warranties and guarantees. Warranty/guarantee information is contained in Chapter 7.
1-4 Maintenance forms and records. Maintenance forms and records are explained in DA PAM 738-750, The Army
Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
1-5 Destruction of Army materiel to prevent enemy use. This shall be as directed in TM 750-244-3.
1-6 Storage. For storage of this system, refer to Chapter 5.
Section II. Description and data
1-7 Description. This system provides compressed air to five air stations in the ROWPU space, one in the workshop,
and one on stern weatherdeck. It also provides compressed air to two air stations for blowdown of seachests in void 2
starboard and void 4 port. These outlets, with other major components, valves, and piping are shown schematically in
Figure 1-2 for Barge 1 and in Figure 1-3 for Barges 2 and 3. System outlets are listed in Table 1-1. In addition, this
system is shown in drawings listed in Appendix A.
1-7.1 System capabilities, defined. Compressed air system capabilities are stated in cubic feet per minute (cfm), Hertz
(Hz), National Pipe Thread (NPT), phase (ph), pounds per square inch (psi) and Volt alternating current (Vac), and Volt
direct current (Vdc).
1-8 Capabilities. This system provides compressed air up to 155 psi for seven air stations and 40 psi for two for
seachests blowdown stations.
1-9 Special limitations. Use of air station 6 and its associated 25-foot air hose is restricted to providing compressed air
for forcing water out of the shore discharge hose prior to reeling in this hose.
1-10 Performance characteristics
Air compressor
Barge 1
31.3 cfm at 125 psi
80-gallon receiver, 175 psi
Electrical power
440 Vac, 3 ph, 60 Hz
Barges 2 and 3
24.2 cfm at 125 psi
80-gallon receiver, 175 psi
Electrical power
440 Vac, 3 ph 60 Hz