TM 55-1930-209-14&P-7
2-1 Activation. When compressor starts, air is drawn through intake filter, manifold, and suction discs into compressor
cylinders. This air is compressed, then discharged through delivery discs to temperature reducer where heat is partially
removed From temperature reducer, compressed air is discharged through a check valve into receiver, increasing air
pressure in receiver. When system is set on automatic (normal setting), compressor Is controlled by an automatic air
regulator switch (pressure switch). When air pressure in receiver reaches factory set upper limit, compressor will unload
and turn Itself off. When air in receiver reaches factory set lower limit on pressure switch, compressor will be activated
and pump air into receiver. When system is set on manual and START button Is pushed, compressor pumps air into
receiver until STOP button is pushed.
2-2 Air flow. Opening air compressor main air supply valve directs compressed air from receiver through air filter 1 for
removal of moisture and particles This air then flows to the air stations In the ROWPU space and workshop. Quick
disconnect couplings at these air stations permit connection of a 50-foot airhose so pneumatic tools may be used. Air
also goes through air filter 2 before reaching air station 6 This filter traps oil and grease and prevents contamination of
drinking water shore discharge hose when compressed air pushes PIG through hose prior to hose retrieval. Compressed
air pressure regulators 1 and 2 further reduce air pressure to a manually set level, normally 40 psi, for blowdown of
seachests in void 2 starboard and void 4 port.
2-1/(2-2 blank)