TM 55-1930-209-14&P-7
Loosen four bolts holding electric motor to base plate, slide motor towards compressor until belts can be slipped
off pulleys. Discard old belts.
With belts off, and using a torque wrench, check tightness of bolt holding compressor pulley on compressor shaft.
Torque to 500 inch pounds. With normal wrench, check tightness of setscrew holding pulley on electric motor
shaft. Setscrew must be wrench tight.
Place two new belts on compressor pulley and then on motor pulley.
Pull motor away from compressor until belts are as tight as possible and while another crewmember holds motor
in this position, tighten four bolts holding motor to base plate.
With a straight edge, check that pulleys are at right angles to their shafts and that belts in their grooves are
running straight. If not, slightly loosen bolts holding electric motor and move motor until pulleys and belts are
running straight in their grooves and are square with compressor and motor shafts. Tighten motor bolts. Again
check alignment with straight edge. If not properly lined up, loosen motor bolts and try again. When belts are
straight, tighten four motor bolts wrench tight.
When installing new pulley belts, make sure belt tension is as tight as possible.
Pulley belts stretch with use and must be checked for proper tension at next
monthly maintenance service.
With torque wrench, check tightness of bolt holding compressor pulley on compressor shaft. Torque to 500 Inch
With normal wrench, check tightness of setscrew holding pulley on electric motor shaft. Setscrew must be
wrench tight.
Lay a straight edge across top of belts from compressor pulley to electric motor pulley and press down on belts
with a thumb. Belts should depress between 1/4 and 1/2 Inch if belts depress more than this, follow procedures in
step m below. If belts are within tolerances, proceed to step n.
Loosen four bolts holding motor to base plate and move motor away from compressor until belts are within
tolerances. Tighten motor bolts, check belt tension and then check belt alignment. If all are acceptable, tighten
motor bolts wrench tight.
Install belt guard using three bolts, spinnuts and washers.
Remove red tag from power panel 1 circuit breaker 3P5.
Start air compressor system by following procedures in paragraph 3-2.1.
Record completion of this maintenance item in log book.
4-5.10.2 Compressor pulley replacement (Barges 2 and 3)
Shut down air compressor system by following procedures in paragraph 3-8.2.
Redtag power panel 1 circuit breaker 3P5 indicating, "WARNING DO NOT ACTIVATE REPAIRS BEING MADE."
c. Remove the V-belts following the procedures in paragraph 4-5.10.1.
Remove the nut and bolt from the pulley.
Remove the pulley and key using a gear puller.
Drive a wedge in the slot of the new pulley hub to spread the hub. Spread the hub only enough to slide the pulley
over the shaft.