TM 55-1930-209-14&P-8WARNINGAVOID OVERFILLING STORAGE TANKS.NOTEBargemaster must immediately stop spillage in the event fuel oil is discharged into or uponnavigable waters within contiguous waters of the United States if such discharge causes a film,sheen, or discoloration on the surface of the water. The US Coast Guard (USCG) must be notifiedImmediately by the fastest method available (either radio or telephone). Violators are subject to afine. Spillage in foreign areas must be treated in accordance with local applicable regulations.The EMS monitors fuel levels in the storage tanks and alerts the crew in the following manner. Ahorn and strobe light are activated on the deckhouse top and in the ROWPU space and a buzzersounds In the dayroom. In addition, EMS keyboard alarm sounds and video monitor automaticallyswitches to ALARM SUMMARY page which shows in flashing double intensity the tank level status.TANK LEVELS key on keyboard also flashes red.k.When tanks are full, stop fuel oil transfer.I.If alarms are activated, stop fuel oil transfer immediately and stop alarms as follows:(1)Press red flashing TANK LEVELS key on keyboard to change ALARMS page to TANK LEVELS page onvideo monitor.(2)Press ACK key on keyboard to stop alarms and automatically change red flashing TANK LEVELS key towhite and to stop flashing display on video monitor. Display will now show in double intensity display.m.Disconnect fuel oil transfer hose and replace fuel oil filling connector cap.n.Close valves opened in step e.o.Cease display of red flag (BRAVO) or red signal from mast on deckhouse top.3-3.2 Transferring fuel oil from storage tanks to day tank. In this operation, fuel oil is transferred from port andstarboard fuel oil storage tanks to day tank by using fuel transfer pump. As day tank is being filled, fuel level is shown onvisual level indicator mounted on the tank.a.Make sure power is available either from an onboard service generator or from shore power source. If shorepower is not available and a generator is not online, start up SAG by following procedures in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-9. Before attempting to start generator, make sure 24 Vdc power panel emergency shutdown circuitbreaker 8P14 is closed (ON).b.Make sure switchboard circuit breaker P5 is closed (ON) to provide power to power panel 1.c.Make sure power panel 1 circuit breaker 2P5 is closed (ON) to provide power to fuel oil transfer pump controller.d.Open and/or close fuel oil valves to transfer fuel oil from either or both storage tanks as follows:o = openx = closedOpen/close valve no.:Transfer from:12678910111319202122Both storage tanksooxxoooxxxxooPort storage tank onlyoxxxoxoxxxxooStarboard storage tank onlyxoxxxooxxxxoo3-9
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