TM 55-1930209-14& P-8
Preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) for the Fuel Oil System
C-1 Introduction to PMCS
TM 55-193209-14&P-19 contains PMCS for all systems on the ROWPU Barge. This
appendix contains only PMCS for the Fuel Oil System
a. General.
Systematic (B) before, (D) during, (A) after, and scheduled periodic PMCS are essential to ensure that the
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Barge is in operational readiness at all times. The purpose of the
PMCS program is to discover and correct deficiencies and malfunctions before they cause serious damage
or failure of the barges and their support systems. An effective PMCS program requires that operators report
all unusual conditions noticed before, during and after operation as well as while performing periodic PMCS.
All deficiencies and malfunctions discovered during maintenance inspections must be recorded, together with
the corrective action taken, on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet).
A schedule for preventive maintenance inspections and service should be established and adhered to. When
operating under unusual conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, it may be necessary to perform PMCS
more frequently.
The PMCS items have been arranged and numbered in a logical sequence to provide for greater efficiency
and the least amount of downtime required for maintenance.
b. PMCS columnar entries.
Item Number Column. Checks and services are numbered in chronological order regardless of interval. This
column is used as a source of item numbers for the "Item Number" column on DA Form 2404, Equipment
Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
Interval Column. The interval columns tell you when to do a certain check or service: before, during, or after
operation. Sometimes a dot may be placed in more than one interval column which would mean you should
do the check or service at each of those intervals.
Item to Be Inspected Column. This column lists the common name of the item to be inspected such as "Air
Procedures Column. This column tells you how to do the required checks and services. Carefully follow
these instructions.
Equipment is Not Ready/Available if Column. This column tells you when and why your equipment cannot
be used.
The terms "Ready/Available" and "Mission Capable" refer to the same status:
equipment Is on hand and is able to perform its combat missions. (See DA PAM