TM 55-1930-209-14&P-9-1
Inspection. Feel with hands and carefully observe condition of all hardware and cabling mountings and hangers.
Tighten and/or replace components as necessary.
Starting from power panel 3 circuit breaker 10P13, inspect each cable as it leaves the panel. Check
fastenings as they exit switchboard and all fasteners, mounting hardware, and hangers to make sure they are
tight. Inspect by feeling with hands.
Check each cable on both sides of its passage through bulkheads. Check that cables and/or electrical
conduit are tight, not rubbing or chafing, and free of corrosion and dirt Conduct same ins-on of cables as they
pass through decks and other structural parts of barge.
Check each cable at its destination to make sure it is firmly attached, not rubbing or chafing, and free of
corrosion and dirt.
SECTION V. Storage
3-21 . Short-term storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for more than 7 days but less than 30 days, and emergency
electrical power system is not used while in storage, follow shutdown procedures in paragraph 3-15.
3-22 . Administrative storage. If barge is taken out of service for more than 30 days but less than 6 months, barge
remains a unit responsibility and shall be maintained by unit personnel.
Administrative storage procedures. When placed in administrative storage and emergency electrical system
is not in use, process system for administrative storage as specified in the following:
Perform periodic inspections and services.
Shut down emergency electrical system by following procedures in paragraph 3-15.
3-23 . Long-term storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for 6 months or more, turn it in to depot for preparation and
placement into long-term storage. If barge is in administrative storage and is to be taken out of service and placed in depot
long-term storage (6 months or more), check emergency electrical system components for normal operation before
releasing to depot.
3-13/(3-14 blank)