TM 55-1930-209-14&P-9-1
4-18 . Troubleshooting
3306TA engine. Perform troubleshooting as shown on pages 53-64, Caterpillar Systems Operation Testing and
Adjusting Manual for 3304B and 3306B Generator Set Engines.
SR4 generator. Perform troubleshooting as shown on pages 61-72, Caterpillar Service Manual for SR4
Generator, SENR7968-03.
4-19 . Maintenance procedures. Detailed repair and maintenance procedures for SSGs are in manufacturers manuals
provided with this TM and listed in Section VI of this chapter.
SECTION V. Storage
4-20 . Short-term storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for more than 7 days but less than 30 days and SSGs will
not be used while in storage, follow normal shutdown procedures and perform the following:
SSGs must be started and warmed up to normal operating temperature every seventh day of short-term storage.
Keep voids 4 as dry as possible. Keep all moisture out and keep bilge dry. Manufacturer recommends using a
dry space and/or space heaters to minimize condensation in generator windings and possible damage to insulation.
4-21 . Administrative storage. If barge is taken out of service for more than 30 days but less than 6 months, barge
remains a unit responsibility and shall be maintained by unit personnel.
Admlnlstrative storage procedures. To place barge SSGs in administrative storage, perform the following:
4-21.1.1 3306TA engine
Perform 500 service meter unit maintenance checks and services contained in Caterpillar Operation and
Maintenance Manual for 3304, 3306, 3304B and 3306B, Industrial Engines, SEBU5779-01.
Disconnect battery cables.
Follow procedures on page 12, Caterpillar Operation and Maintenance Manual for 3304, 3306, 3304B, and
3306B, Industrial Engines, SEBU5779-01.
4-21.1.2 SR4 generator. During storage, moisture condensation in generator windings causes damage to insulation and
subsequent malfunction. See page 20, Caterpillar Operation and Maintenance Manual for SR4 and SRCR Generators,
SEBU5717-02, for procedures to minimize condensation and for testing and corrective action after removal from storage.
4-22 . Long-term storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for 6 months or more, turn it in to depot for preparation and
placement into long-term storage. If barge is in administrative storage and is to be taken out of service and placed in depot
long-term storage (6 months or more), check SSGs for normal operation before releasing to depot.