TM 55-1930-209-14&P-9-1
SECTION V. Storage
5-20 . Short-term storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for more than 7 days but less than 30 days and SAG will not
be used while in storage, perform the following:
Operate SAG for at least 30 minutes and then shut down in accordance with procedures in paragraph 5-14.
Perform next scheduled periodic check and service.
Operate SAG for at least 30 minutes every 7 days.
Make every effort to keep voids 4 as dry as possible during storage to reduce condensation in engine and
Condensation in generator windings and insulation may seriously damage generator. This problem
is difficult to detect visually and may become apparent only when generator set starts and
Administrative storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for more than 30 days but less than 6 months, barge
remains a unit responsibility and shall be maintained by unit personnel.
Administrative storage procedures. To place SAG into administrative storage, perform the following:
Follow procedures on pages 42-44, Perkins Engines Operators Manual for Marine Diesel Engines,
4.236M, and pages C.3-C.5, Perkins Engines Workshop Manual, 4.236M.
Make every effort to reduce relative humidity and condensation inside engine and generator.
Disconnect battery cables and wrap ends with dean, dry cloth. Clean batteries and make sure
electrolyte is at proper level.
5-22 . Long-term storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for 6 months or more, turn it in to depot for preparation and
placement into long-term storage. If barge is in administrative storage and is to be taken out of service and placed in depot
long-term storage (6 months or more), check SAG for normal operations before
releasing to depot.
SECTION VI. Manufacturers service manuals/instructions
5-23 . General. Manufacturers service manuals/instructions listed below provide additional information on the Perkins
4.236M engine and SC1 44E generator. A copy of each manual set of instructions is in Appendix B. It may be necessary to
refer to these manuals/instructions and drawings listed in Appendix A, while performing procedures in this TM.