MODEL A-51D.C. TO A.C. INVERTERSINE WAVE OUTPUTLa Marche inverters use highly reliable, solid state, SCRcircuitry with a ferroresonant transformer that hasinherent regulation. Output filtering, and overloadprotection (current limiting ) The inverter is self-protectedfor AC-DC shorts, reverse polarity, and over or under dcVOLTAGE Battery protection is provided by low voltageshutdown and DC input fusing.TWO TYPES OF OPERATIONCONTINUOUS INVERTER-During normal operation, theA-51 inverter draws power from the charger and suppliesregulated since wave AC power to the load. If AC powerto the load. When power is restored. The change backto normal operation is automatic, including recharging ofbatteries.STANDBY INVERTER-During normal operation, the loadis supplied power directly from the commercial AC line,wired through a transfer relay or static switch (optionalaccessory) in the inverter. in the event of AC line failure,the load is disconnected from the line, the inverter beginsdrawing power from the batteries and supplies Ac powerto the load. Reversed and batteries are restored.(Manual retransfer optional.)FEATURINGOPTINAL ACCESSORIES•Reliable-simple, few components, fieldproven, SCR ferro resonant design.•State of Art Static Switch.•Inverter Star/Off Switch•Current limited and protected for AC-DC short, over/under voltages, andreverse polarity.•Class H Insulation.•Convection Cooled, Front AccessEnclosure.•Available for 24 VDC 48 VDC, AND120 VDC battery supplies.•50 or 60 Hertz Operation.•Wide range of models and options.•Transfer Relay 100 to 1000 2 to 10KVA 40 12-5 to 20 KKVA 50 msec.•Transfer from and retransfer toinverter Failure-DC Light Load onLine-AC Light•Manual Maintenance bypass Switch.•Concidental line synchronization.•¼ cycle Static Switch requirecoincidental line sync) withcoincidental line sync) with Manual orDelayed Automatic transfer Switch,Test Switch Fused Inverter and utilityBranch Life LED’s for:Utility AvailableInverter AvailableLoad Powered by Prime SourceLoad Powered by AlternateSourceSources Phase LockedThe following adjustments are provide:Inverter Overvoltage Limit +10Inverter Undervoltage Limit-10Utility Overvoltage Limit +10Utility Undervoltage Limit -10Load Overvoltage Limit +15Load Undervoltage Limit -15Delayed Retransfer sec 1-10Phase Lock (degrees) 1-10Prime source SelectionInverteror Utility•Alarm ContactsUtility Power FailureInverter FailureContacts for all status conditions(5) form C•Meters +2DC ammeterDC voltmeterAC ammeterAC voltmeterFrequency meter•Low DC voltage alarm•High DC voltage alarm•AC and DC circuit breakers•Special Paint•Others: (see General Catalog)
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