TM 55-2090-201-14&P3-30.SUPPLY PUMP, TYPE A AND B SEPARATOR (Continued). LOCATIONITEMACTIONR E M A R K SReplace defective pump assem-bly with a serviceable-likeitem.5.Supplypumpa. Place pump assembly (9) onmotor (10).b. Secure with lockwashers(8) and screws (7).c. Secure pump assembly tofoot (5) using screws (6),washers (4) and nuts (3).d. Install setscrews (1) inpump shaft (2).1.Setscrews2.Flexible Pump Shaft3.Nut4.Lockwasher6.Screw7.Screw8.Lockwasher9.Pump Assembly10.Motor3-171
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