TM 55-2090-201-14&P3-33. VESSEL SUB-ASSEMBLY, TYPE A AND B SEPARATOR (Continued).LOCATIONITEMACTIONREMARKS10. 1sta. Sensor(prefil- Tee (4)ter) and2nd stagesolenoidcoil andvalvebonnetb. Sole-noidoperat-ed dis-chargevalvecoil(13)c. Coilhousing(9)d. Coil(13)e. Valvebonnet(17)Remove screws (1), tee cover(2), and gasket (3), from2nd stage sensor tee (4).Remove connectors (5) andseparate coil leads (6).Remove retaining cap (7),nameplate (8) and coil hous-ing (9).(1) Unscrew locknut (10)securing nipple (11) tobaseplate (14).(2) Remove nipple (11) frompulling elbow (12).(3) Pull straight out oncoil (13) and removecoil (13) and baseplate(14).(1) Remove bonnet screws(15) and lockwashers(16).(2) Remove valve bonnet (17)from valve body withdiaphragm and relatedparts attached.NOTERepeat steps a thru e above to remove solenoidvalve coil and valve bonnet from 1st (prefilter)stage separator.3-192
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