*TB 43-0143
responsible for the addition of sufficient chlorine to maintain at least a 1.0 ppm FAC residual in
the potable water system.
(2) When water is obtained from a foreign source or is of doubtful quality, suffic ient chlorine
shall be added to the potable water tanks to raise the FAC to 5.0 ppm, after a 30- minute contact
b. Water supplied by public/private systems outside the United States is suspect and should be
considered of doubtful quality. Medical a uthorities ashore should be requested to evaluate the water
source and provide recommendations to the watercraft commander as to its use. If there are no local
medical authorities present, the watercraft commander shall use the batch Chlorination method a s
8. Ship to
Shore Potable
Water Connections. The following procedure will be
used when making
ship to shore potable water connections:
a. Before making a potable water connection, the potable water risers on the watercraft and the shore
facility must be disinfected. This may be accomplished by preparing a 100 ppm chlorine solution
(Table B-2) in a
container and swabbing the riser with or
immersing the riser in
the solution.
b. Hoses will be disinfected by subjecting the interior surfaces to a 100 ppm chlorine solution for at
least 2 minutes using the following procedure:
(1) Determine the hose diameter.
(2) Convert the hose diameter to gallons-per-foot (Table B-1).
(3) Determine the water holding capacity (gallons) of the hose by multiplying gallons-per-foot
by length (feet) of the hose.
(4) From the water holding capacity, determine the amount of chlorine agent required to obtain
(5) Elevate both ends of the hose to ensure the disinfecting liquid remains inside the hose
during the disinfecting process.
(6) Pour the required quantity of chlorine agent into either end of the hose. The solid agent is
to be in solution (dissolved) before pouring into the hose. See paragraph 13.a for solution
(7) After pouring the chlorine agent into the hose, completely fill the hose with water. Take
care to avoid spillage.
(8) Ensure the solution of chlorine sets in the hose for at least 2 minutes and then drain the