TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
d. Inspection.
Although switches are different, inspection is the same for both.
(1) Inspect switch for damage.
(2) Inspect pressure tube for cracks.
(3) Inspect power cables for cracked insulation, bare wires, and damaged wire lugs.
(4) Inspect coupling nut and mounting hardware for stripped heads and threads and bent or broken
e. Cleaning. Clean dirt and rust from mounting hardware and coupling nut.
f. Repair or Replace.
(1) Replace all gaskets.
(2) Replace damaged or unserviceable pressure tube assembly.
(3) Replace damaged or unserviceable pressure switch assembly.
(4) Send damaged switch to Direct Support Maintenance for repair.
(5) Replace damaged or worn electrical power cables.
(6) Replace all damaged screws, bolts, nuts, and washers.
g. Installation of High-Pressure switch. (Figure 2-56)
Hold highpressure switch (11) in place on control panel.
Insert two screws (10) through control panel into highpressure switch (11).
Install two flat washers (9), two lockwashers (8), and two nuts (7) on screws (10).
Install elbow (6) in high-pressure switch (11).
Connect pressure-tube coupling nut (5) to elbow (6).
Install sealing grip (4) into highpressure switch (11) in accordance with paragraph 263.
Hold cover (2) and gasket (3) in place on high-pressure switch (11).
Install four screws (1) into cover (2), gasket (3), and highpressure switch (11).
h. Installation of LowPressure Switch. (figure 2-57)
Hold lowpressure switch (11) in place on control panel.
Insert two screws (10) through control panel into low-pressure switch (11).
Install two lockwashers (9) and two nuts (8) on screws (10).
Install elbow (7) to low-pressure switch (11).
Connect pressure tube coupling (6) to elbow (7).
Install sealing grip (5) in lowpressure switch (11) in accordance with paragraph 2-63.
Install two screws (12) into terminal lugs (13) and switch (14).
Hold cover (3) and gasket (4) in place.
Install four screws (1) and four lockwashers (2) into cover (3), gasket (4), and lowpressure switch