TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
a. General. The high- and -low pressure solenoids are identical parts that are the electrical Connections
between the R.O. pump motor starter and the high- and low-pressure switches. They are located in the junction
box on the top right side. This paragraph describes removal, testing, repair, and installation of the high- and
low-pressure solenoids.
b. Removal. (Fgure 2-58)
(1) Disconnect and remove all wires from solenoid (3).
(2) Remove three screws (1), three lockwashers (2), and solenoid (3) from bracket (8).
(3) Remove solenoid (3) from bracket (8).
(4) Remove four nuts (4), four lockwashers (5), and four flatwashers (6) from four screws (7).
(5) Remove four screws (7) and bracket (8).
c. Testing. (Refer to Schematic, Figure 1-12)
(1) Inspect contacts for burned spots, pitting, or corrosion.
(2) At a work bench, with no power connected, touch the probes of an ohmmeter to pins (1) and (2).
Ohmmeter should read zero.
(3) Touch probes to pins (7) and (8). Ohmmeter should read OPEN.
Electricity can cause serious injury or death. Be certain that all
power is removed before performing maintenance on electrical
(4) Connect 115 Vac power at pins (5) and (6). You should hear the relay click.
(5) Touch ohmmeter probes to pins (1) and (2). Ohmmeter should read OPEN.
(6) Touch ohmmeter probes to pins (7) and (8). Ohmmeter should read zero.
(7) Remove 115 Vac power from pins (5) and (6).
d. Repair or Replace.
(1) Replace all damaged or worn electrical wires.
(2) Replace all damaged nuts, bolts, screws, and washers.
(3) Replace damaged or unserviceable solenoid assembly.
(4) Replace damaged bracket.
(5) Send damaged solenoid to Direct Support Maintenance for repair.
e. Installation. (Figure 2-58)
(1) Install four screws (7) on bracket (8).
(2) Install four flatwashers (6), four lowashers (5), and four nuts (4) on screws (7).
(3) Hold solenoid (3) in place on bracket (8).
(4) Install three screws (1), three lockwashers (2), and solenoid (3) on bracket (8).