TM 10-4610-232-12
Main control panel (Figure 2-37).
Figure 2-37. Main Control Panel Checks
SYSTEM MODE switch (1) must be in ON position and SYSTEM RESET (2) must be pushed.
Push LIGHT TEST (3). All panel plot lights and the distribution pump power light on switch panel 1 should come
on. If not, replace bulbs (b) Push ALARM TEST (4). Notify unit maintenance either horn is not working.
Turn OPERATION MODE selector switch (5) to FILTER NORMAL.
Push INITIATE (6).
Push MEDIA FILTER FORWARD FLUSH (7) to open valve. A blue indicator (8) should light up.
If the system pressure control valve is not closed, raw water will back up into the elements
which may cause damage.
(e 1)
Close system pressure control valve (Valve V-51) (ref. item 8, Figure 2-36).
Change 12 2-70.1/(2-70.2 Blank)