TM 10-4610-232-12
Figure 2-57. Replacing Cartridge Filter Elements
All three chemical tanks are marked in one gallon increments. The sequestrant tank level
should drop approximately one set of marks per hour. If not, refer to troubleshooting. The
polyelectrolyte tank should be observed for a continuous drop in level. However, the rate of
drop is dependent on the pump speed and stroke settings.
Refill chemical tanks. When a tank reaches low level, the sensor will turn on the warning horn and yellow light. Tank
must be refilled within 30 minutes. Routinely observe tank levels to assure steady drop in level relative to tank markings.
Refill sequestrant and polyelectrolyte tanks.
Refill the polyelectrolyte tank using 48 oz (4 oz per gallon) of polyelectrolyte.
Refill the sequestrant tank according to Table 2-21.
Add three packets of hypochlorite to the hypochlorite tank, or one packet for each 6 gallons of water added. The
hypochlorite system should be cleaned and flushed at least weekly as described in para. 2-22c (1).
Make sure chemical pumps are adjusted for proper flow as described in para. 2-17.
When adding chemicals, always fill half full of water, then add the chemicals and complete
filling the tank with water. Mix solution with paddle for sequestrant and polyelectrolyte
tanks or motorized mixer for the hypochlorite tank.
Conduct "during operation" PMCS as directed in para. 2-10, 2-11 and Table 2-13. Check product water TDS. If the
product water TDS exceeds limiting TDS calculated from Table 2-23, refer to troubleshooting procedures in para. 3-3 for
Change 2 2-109