TM 10-4610-232-12
e. Routine Operational Services. Tables 2-27 and 2-28 summarize the routine crew operational services needed to
maintain operation throughout a mission.
Table 2-27. Routine Operational services When Operating With Polyelectrolyte
Operational Service
Frequency or Alert
1. Backwash Media Filter
a. At least daily.
b. 6 hours on rivers and lakes with organic activity, tur-
bidity over 15 NTU and temperature over 70°F.
c. Whenever outlet turbidity increases by more than 0.5
NTU over lowest reading since last backwash.
d. Whenever media filter plugged warning light and horn
come on or pressure drop reading exceeds 25 psi.
2. Clean Strainer Basket
a. Whenever strainer plugged warning light and horn
come on.
3. Replace Cartridge Filter
a. Whenever cartridge filter plugged warning light and
horn come on or pressure drop exceeds 20 psi.
b. Before beginning cleaning procedures.
4. Refill Chemical Tanks
a. Whenever chemical tank low light(s) and warning horn
come on.
5. Media Filter Log
a. Hourly.
6. Data LOgI
a. HourIv.
7. Polyelectrolyte Optimization
a. Whenever lowest outlet turbidity during a filter run is
more than 0.2 NTU higher than that recorded for other
filter runs during the mission.
8. Routine RO Element
Citric Acid Cleaning
a. 100 hour operating intervals as determined from the
High Pressure Pump Hourmeter. 200 hours on sea
b. As a part of long term secured shutdown procedures.
Detergent Cleaning
a. Following citric acid cleaning.
9. Bisulfite Sanitization
a. Shutdown to temporary secured status.
b. Following detergent cleaning when shutting down to
long term secured status.