TM 10-4610-232-12
(e) Start air compressor and close all air bleed valves.
(f) Start van diesel heater no. 1.
(g) Turn on carbon monoxide monitor.
(h) Deploy raw water pump and start heat lamp.
(i) Deploy distribution pump and start heat lamp.
(j) Finish unloading van.
(k) Assemble raw water pump discharge hoses, cyclones, and feed hoses.
(l) Assemble distribution system.
(m) Set valves in ROWPU van to proper position
(n) Obtain turbidity and color of raw water.
(o) Check cartridge filters.
(p) Set up polyelectrolyte system.
(q) Install raw water pump suction hoses.
(r) Start ROWPU.
(s) Install heated maintenance tent over distribution system if possible.
(t) Follow routine operation guidelines and cold weather operation guidelines.
(10) Winter deployment shutdowns.
(a) For less than 15 minutes downtime, follow routine shutdown procedures.
(b) For more than 15 minutes downtime (with power), drain raw water system completely and maintain
distribution system circulation.
(c) For more than 30 minutes with no heat
Drain ROWPU completely.
Air purge filters.
Air purge chemical systems.
Drain distribution system.
(d) For more than 15 minutes down time (without power), drain all external pumps and hoses completely.
(11) Winter start-ups from frozen conditions.
(a) If frozen, thaw out per para. 2-31c.
(b) Refer to para. 2-35 for a frozen media filter warm-up.
(12) End of mission shutdowns.
(a) Follow normal procedures for cleaning and sanitizing.
(b) Drain and roll up hoses in raw water system when no longer needed.
(c) Drain distribution system as soon as not needed.
(d) Air purge media filter.
(e) Air purge chemical systems.
(f) Pack up ROWPU.
(g) Leave van diesel heater no. 2 on.
(h) Transport to warm storage and supply auxiliary power to keep van above freezing. If this is not possible,
remove, drain, and store RO elements.
b. Weather Protecting Equipment and Features The ROWPU has some cold weather protection built in. The winter
kit has other needed items.
(1) General. When on deployment, the best operating approach is to avoid freeze up. The equipment can be
drained to avoid damage from ice formation, however, if allowed to freeze, two to three days will be needed to thaw out
the critical equipment before resuming operation. Plan ahead to avoid freeze up.