TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Guide (Continued).
15. Media filter air blanket is working properly and all valves are in correct position, but media filter has to be drained manually
to start the backwash.
Step 1.
Check waste out hoses.
Remove any kinks or plugs in the hoses. Too much back pressure will not allow the backwash to start
16. Media filter pressure is less than 5 psig (34 kPa) and no water comes out the upper drain valve and backwash will not start.
Step 1.
Troubleshoot plugged air chamber.
Step 2.
Loosen the clamp on the lower switch on the air chamber. Slide switch slightly upward until the backwash starts.
Tighten clamp.
Step 3.
Notify unit maintenance.
17. Media filter plugged alarm is on at less than 22 psi (152 kPa) differential (Model ROWPU-1) or 25 psi (172 kPa) differential
(Model WTA-060) or is not on at 22 psi (152 kPa) differential (Model ROWPU-1) or 25 psi (172 kPa) differential (Model WTA-
060) (system normal only).
Step 1.
Check manual valves.
Position valves correctly.
Step 2.
Check auto valves position.
Refer to auto valve troubleshooting if valves are not positioned correctly.
Step 3.
Notify unit maintenance.
1. Cartridge filter cover leaks.
Step 1.
Shut down to standby.
Step 2.
Retighten clamp.
a. Loosen both T-bolt nuts several turns.
b. Retighten, bringing both nuts up evenly and tight.
Step 3.
Check preformed packing.
Clean preformed packing and sealing area of all sand or dirt.
Replace preformed packing if it is damaged or if leak cannot be stopped.
Step 4.
Notify unit maintenance.
2. Cartridge filter vessel won't drain or drains very slow.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
3. CARTRIDGE FILTER PLUGGED alarm light stays on.
Step 1.
Press SYSTEM RESET pushbutton.
Step 2.
Change cartridge filter elements (para. 2-24b) if cartridge filter inlet/outlet gage reads between 13-18
psi (90-124 kPa) differential (Model ROWPU-1) or greater than 15 psi (103 kPa) differential (Model WTA-060).
Step 3.
Notify unit maintenance.
4. Cartridge filter outlet turbidity is the same as the inlet turbidity.
If the media filter is putting out very low NTU (0.5-2.0) water, it is possible that the particles
coming through are so small that the cartridge filter cannot stop them. Check that both
turbidity monitors are accurate, para. 2-5 and 2-6.
Step 1.
Check filter elements (para. 2-24 b).
Check that there is a circular indent on each end of filter element to indicate sealing.
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