TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Guide (Continued).
2. Low or no flow from chemical pump(s).
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
Check that pump is operating.
A pulse can be felt in the pump discharge line when it is operating.
Check chemical level in chemical tank.
Fill tank if low.
Check that pump is not air locked.
Pull out pressure release knobs on liquid handling assembly until chemical solution flows.
Check setting of capacity control knobs.
Adjust knobs to proper setting (see Chemical Pump Set-Up, para. 2-17c).
Adjust pump speed and stroke until correct flow is obtained.
Check for leaks in pump assembly or chemical lines.
Tighten fittings (hand tighen only).
Notify unit maintenance.
3. Hypochlorite backwash pump does not operate during media filter backwash (hypochlorite doesnt drop).
Step 1. Check that pump is primed.
Open prime valve above hypochlorite tank until flow is seen. Close valve.
Step 2. Notify unit maintenance.
4. Hypochlorite backwash pump has low or no output flow.
Step 1. Notify unit maintenance.
5. Chemical pump(s) or lines leak.
Step 1. Notify unit maintenance.
1. The product water TDS is greater than the maximum calculated using Table 2-23.
Step 1. Check TDS meter.
Use portable TDS meter and verify that the combined product TDS is high. If TDS is within limits,
troubleshoot in-line TDS meter. Use hand held portable TDS meter until in-line meter is repaired.
New elements sometimes take a while to settle down. Monitor TDS and if it continues to
come down, continue operation until it bottoms out and is stable.
Step 2. Check the vessel product TDS readings.
a. Using the portable TDS meter, measure the TDS at the four RO vessel sample valves
(16 thru 19, Figure 2-6) and at the combined product sample valve (20).
b. Compare the TDS readings for the top two vessels (16 and 17). If they vary from each other by more
then the allowed amount (Table 2-26), internal preformed packing leakage is indicated. Check
preformed packings (para. 3-28).
c. Repeat step b for the bottom two vessels (18 and 19).
d. If preformed packing leakage is not indicated, clean the RO elements (para. 2-25).
Step 3. Check water quality.
a. Contact medical team to check product water quality characteristics.
b. If water quality is not acceptable, replace RO elements (para. 3-28).