TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Guide (Continued).
1. Outlet air filter leaks air.
Step 1.
Check filter element access plug.
Step 2.
Notify unit maintenance.
2. Low pressure air manifolds, lines, or valves leak air.
Step 1.
Isolate air leak.
Close the block valves on each air manifold one by one. If results a obtained, operate with that part of
the system on manual. Refer to para. 2-34 and notify unit maintenance.
Step 2.
Notify unit maintenance.
3. Outlet air filter chamber is loaded with a white oily substance.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
4. Air lines have water in them.
Step 1.
Check low pressure air dryer.
Open drain valve and blow out water.
Step 2.
Check outlet air filter.
Change filter.
Step 3.
Check outlet air filter automatic blowdown.
The automatic blowdown valve should automatically open and blow down air and water once every 15
minutes of air compressor operating time. Notify unit maintenance if valve does not cycle properly.
Step 4.
Check air manifolds.
Open drain valves and let air blow out any water in them.
Step 5.
Notify unit maintenance.
If, at anytime, the air compressor will not supply enough air to operate the ROWPU, switch
to manual valve operation. Refer to para. 2-34 and notify unit maintenance.
1. Air compressor chatters rapidly when started (see also malfunction 2).
Step 1.
Check that compressor has oil in it.
Check dipstick and add oil as necessary.
Step 2.
Check length of time compressor chatters.
This is a normal sound if compressor has not run for a while and is cold. If noise persists for more than
two (2) minutes notify unit maintenance. Do not operate air compressor.
2. Air compressor makes sharp knocking noise.
Step 1.
Check that compressor has oil in it.
Check dipstick and add oil as necessary.
Step 2.
Check dipstick.
If dipstick has scratches on it, reinstall and start compressor. Rotate dipstick in its holder until noise
goes away.
Step 3.
Notify unit maintenance. Do not operate air compressor.
3. COMPRESSOR ON light comes on but compressor does not start.
Step 1.
Check AIR COMPRESSOR circuit breaker.
Switch on.
Step 2.
Push in.
3-22 Change 12