TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Guide (Continued).
18. High pressure pump belts are noisy or smell like burned rubber.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
19. High pressure pump and feed piping vibrates. Pump makes sharp hammering sounds (see also problem #20).
Shut down high pressure pump.
The piping and the pumps all vibrate to some extent due to the high pressure pump. This
vibration is very steady and of a low frequency. Piping does not usually move about unless
something is wrong.
Step 1.
Check media filter air blanket level indicator. If all the flags on the level indicator are white, there is a possibility
that the air blanket is working improperly, troubleshoot media filter air system.
Step 2.
Check for air in system. Open drain valves on pump until water comes out. Run raw water and booster pumps until
air is out of system. Restart high pressure pump.
Step 3.
Notify unit maintenance.
20. Piping pulses (vibrates) moderately to severely (see also problems #11 and #19).
Shut down high pressure pump.
Step 1.
Check valve positions. Refer to operation procedures and adjust valves accordingly.
Step 2.
Notify unit maintenance.
21. High pressure pump starts, but generator loads down and wont let the pump come up to full speed. Lights may dim.
Generator may shut down electrical output. Generator exhaust is thick and black.
Step 1.
Shut down high pressure pump. Push pump stop button.
Step 2.
Check high pressure control valve. Fully open valve.
Step 3.
Check generator voltage cycles. Adjust voltage to 440 VAC on all three legs. Adjust RPM to get 60 cycles.
Step 4.
Notify unit maintenance.
22. High pressure pump starts but does not shift into high gear. Generator is unaffected. Feed flow is low.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
23. High pressure pump motor runs, but pump does not.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
24. High pressure pump does not respond to jog switch.
Step 1.
Check HIGH PRESSURE PUMP circuit breaker switch on.
Step 2.
Notify unit maintenance.
1. Air mounts leak air or are damaged.
Step 1.
Notify unit maintenance.
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