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Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
Heater power supply, utility outlets, or panel light does not work on auxiliary power (Reference Schematic Diagram
FO-1, Sheet 11, schematic lines 1137-1138).
step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Disconnect the J26 (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 14) connector at the back wall.
Plug a powered extension cord into the auxiliary power receptacle on the outside of the van. Check for
110-120 VAC across P26A and B.
If voltage is present, go to step 3.
Disconnect the extension cord and check the auxiliary receptacle and its cable for continuity and
a Replace the cable if fault para. 4-33).
b Replace) receptacle, SR7, (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 16) if faulty
Reconnect J26 and disconnect P17 Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 14) from the
control panel. Check for 110-120 VAC across P17A and B.
If there is no voltage, replace the cable between P17 and J26 (para. 4-27).
Notify direct support maintenance.
Sump heater heat trace does not work (Reference Schematic Diagram FO-1, Sheet 11, schematic lines
1102-1 104).
Determine which heat trace does not work and refer to the schematic Appx. l-1 to determine which connectors
to check. Step through each connector (point-to-point) for the individual heat traces and determine where the
voltage stops. Start at the control panel connector for each heat trace.
a If the power stops, indicating a cable is bad, replace the cable (para. 4-27).
b If there is still voltage at the last connector to the heat trace, replace the heat trace assembly
(para. 4-70).
(c) If there is no voltage at the control panel connector, notify direct support maintenance.
Utility receptacle does not work, panel light does not work, or control panel receptacle does not work (Reference
Schematic Diagram FO-1, Sheet 11, schematic lines 1117-1126).
Step 1.
These devices are controlled by circuit breaker CB11 (Reference Schematic Dia-
gram FO-2, Sheet 8).This is a ground fault breaker and high humidity or moisture
around devices controlled by this breaker may cause troubles. Check that atmos-
pheric moisture is not causing problems by drying out anything controlled by this
Notify direct support maintenance for problems relating to the panel receptacle or
panel light.
Refer to the schematic and interconnect drawing Appx. I and determine which circuit to test. Discon-
nect that connector from that circuit and check across the pins shown on the schematic for voltage
(110-120 VAC).
If there is no voltage at the control paneI, notify direct support maintenance.
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