T M 1 0 - 4 6 1 0 - 2 3 2 - 1 2
Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
Step 3. Remove connector P52 from the side of switch panel No. 2. Check for voltage across pins P52C and
P52J (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 15).
If voltage is not present, go to step 6.
Step 4. Check for continuity between pin J52C and J52R. Check for continuity between pins J52C and
J52W. One circuit should be open and the other closed. Pushing PB19 (Reference Interconnection
Diagram FO-2, Sheet 15), the light switch at the front door will reverse the open/closed circuits.
Step 5. Check continuity, point-to-point, from P52C to P52R and from P52C to P52W. Push in PB19 while
testing to close its contacts.
(a) Repair an hose or damaged wires (para. 4-31).
(b) Replace PB19 if its contacts dont alternately close when the button is pushed (para. 4-31).
Step 6. Remove connector P12 (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) from the control
panel. Check for 110-120 VAC across J12C and J12J (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2,
Sheet 9).
If voltage is not present, notify direct support maintenance.
Step 7. Check continuity from P12C to P52C, from P12G to P52R, and from P12H to P52W.
Replace the cable and connectors if open (para. 4-27).
Step 8. Install connectors P12 and P52. Remove connector P13 (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2,
Sheet 14) from the control panel and check for 110-120 VAC across J13N and J13H. Check for
110-120 VAC across J13P and J13H (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 9). One of
the two circuits should have voltage. Push the light switch on the alarm box to switch voltage to the
other set of pins.
If there is no voltage or if the circuits dont perform as described, notify direct support maintenance.
Step 9. Connect P13 and remove connector J29 (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 14) from
the junction box at the back door. Check for 110-120 VAC between J29P and J29E. Check for
110-120 VAC across J29R and J29E. One of the two circuits should have voltage. Push the light
switch on the alarm box to switch voltage to the other set of pins.
If there is no voltage or if the circuits dont perform as described, go to step 12.
Step 10. Check for continuity between pins P29P and P29N (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2,
Sheet 14). Check for continuity between pins P29R and P29N. One set should have continuity and the
other should be open. Pushing the Iight switch at the back door should reverse the set with continuity.
If the circuits respond as described, go to step 12.
Step 11. Check for continuity, point-to-point, from P29N to P29P and from P29N to P29R. Push in switch
PB20 (Reference Interconnection Diagram FO-2, Sheet 14) while testing to close its contacts.
(a) repair an hose or damaged wire (para. 4-30).
(b) Replace PB20 it its contacts dont close para. 4-30).
Step 12. Remove connector P13 from the control panel. Check continuity from P131 to J29N, from P13N to
J29P, and from P13P to J29R.
Replace the cable and connectors if any are open (para. 4-27).
1. Air blanket does not work (Reference Schematic Diagram FO-1, Sheet 8, schematic lines 804-808).
The air blanket circuits only supply air to the to of the media filter when the ROWPU
is operating in system NORMAL and the high pressure pump is running. The level
assembly on the media filter controls the cycling of the air blanket solenoid valve.
When the water level rises to the height of the top switch on the assembly the air
blanket solenoid valve opens. It stays open until the water level drops to the middle
switch on the level assembly at which time it closes until the water level again rises to
the top switch.
Change 1
If the circuit responds as descriped, go to step 6.