TM 10-4610-232-12
Media Filter (5). Removes most of the suspended solids from the raw water by passing the water through a filter bed
of AG media (special lightweight material) and garnet sand.
Cartridge Filter (6). Removes very fine suspended solids in the raw water by passing the water through replaceable
Chemical Injection Pumps (7). Inject water treatment chemicals into the feed and product water.
Polyelectrolyte Tank (8). A reservoir for a chemical called polyelectrolyte which is mixed with water and used to help
the media filter remove suspended solids by coagulation.
Sequestrant Tank (9). A reservoir for a chemical called sequestrant (scale inhibitor) which is mixed with water and
used to prevent scale from building up in the reverse osmosis elements.
Hypochlorite Tank (10). Contains a chemical called calcium hypochlorite which is added to the backwash water to
control organic growth in the media filter. Also injected by a separate pump into the product water to control bacterial
contamination while in the storage tanks and after distribution.
Hypochlorite Backwash Pump (11). Injects hypochlorite into the media filter backwash water.
Clean/Flush Tank (12). Reservoir for holding water used to backwash the media filter and to flush and clean the
system during cleaning procedures.
Gage Panel (15). Gages indicate pressure and differential pressure related to the filters and the RO elements.
Air System Low Pressure Regulator (16). Regulator valve controls air pressure to automatic valves and other air
system components.
Main Control Panel (17).
Low Voltage Section (110 VAC). Contains the electrical controls, lights, circuit breakers, and water flow metes.
High Voltage Section (440 VAC). Contains the circuit breakers, motor starters and transformers needed to operate the
NBC Filter (18). Used during NBC decontamination operations. Removes trace nuclear, biological, or chemical
contaminants from the feed water remaining after purification by the filtration and the RO process.
Heaters. Diesel fired heaters (19) provide heat inside of van, an electric heater (20) provides heat to the high
pressure pump assembly mounted outside the van.
RO Vessels (21). Contain the RO elements which reduce the TDS content of the feed water.
Carbon Monoxide Monitor (22). A self-contained device which indicates presence of harmful amounts of carbon
monoxide by an audio alarm and visual display.
Air Compressor (23). Provides air for aiding the backwash of the media filter, for operating automatic valves and
utility service air.
High Pressure Pump (24). Pressurizes the feed water after it is filtered for the reverse osmosis process.
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