TM 10-4610-232-12
Grounding Configuration. On the WTA-060 Model the grounding wire configuration connects the ROWPU and the
generator ground wires individually to the generator ground lug. On the ROW PU-1 the grounding wire configuration connects the
ROWPU and the generator to a new grounding lug on the M871 Semitrailer which is then attached to the grounding rod.
Miscellaneous Relocations. Throughout the ROWPU there have been minor relocations of some equipment. Items such as
the thermostats and fire extinguishers have been moved slightly to allow for better operation of the ROWPU. While the location of
these items may have changed, the maintenance operation and maintenance procedures have not.
You will note that throughout this book there are a number of locating illustrations used to show the position of various components
used in the operation: and repair of the ROWPU. When these locating illustrations involve components and related components which
are different between the WTA-060 model and the ROWPU-1 model, both locating illustrations are shown. When these locating
illustrations identify components or related components which are the same on both models, the locating illustrations have not been
revised and simply reflect the WTA-060 version.
Figure 1-7.1. Cyclone Separators
1-12.2 Change 7