TM 10-4610-232-12
1-12. INTRODUCTION. Raw water contains suspended solids which makes it look turbid (cloudy or muddy) Suspended
solids include silt, dirt, small particles, micro organisms, algae, and plant and animal products. Raw water also contains
dissolved solids which cause poor taste and can make water unfit to drink. The ROWPU removes all suspended solids
and reduces the dissolved solids to produce water which tastes good and is safe to drink. This section describes how the
ROWPU works.
1-13. RAW WATER INTAKE SYSTEM (Figure 1-8). The Raw Water Intake System pumps raw water from the water
source through the cyclone separators to the Water Purification System.
Figure 1-8. Raw Water Intake System
(Sheet 1 of 2) (Model WTA-060 ONLY)
a Intake Strainer (1). The intake strainer is connected to the end of the suction hose (2). The strainer will float just under
the water, but still well above the bottom of the river, lake or ocean. This keeps the ROWPU from picking up bottom mud
or surface debris and oil The strainer contains a perforated screen which keeps out large debris and fish An anchor (3) is
used to deploy the strainer and hold it in place. A 300 ft (91 m) rope (8) secures the anchor to the strainer and Is used to
deploy and retrieve the anchor and the intake strainer. A second, non-floating strainer Is used for Ice holes
b Raw Water Suction Hose (2). Ten 10 ft (3 m) sections of 3 in. (7.6 cm) suction hose come with the ROWPU. These
hose sections are used as needed to connect the intake strainer to the raw water pump
Change 7 1-12.9