TM 10-4610-232-12
Backwashing. In time, the suspended solids trapped in the media filter will cause an increase in the pressure drop between
the inlet and outlet pressure. When the media filter gets dirty, the pressure at the media filter outlet becomes lower than the
pressure at the media filter inlet. The ROWPU controls sense that pressure drop (or differential) and set off a yellow media
filter plugged warning light and pulsing horn. The controls are then set by the operator to automatically backwash the media
filter. Normal flow is shown in Figure 1-10. The backwash cycle is shown in Figure 1-11 (5 sheets). The filter is backwashed
before the yellow warning light and horn indicates high pressure drop in the following situations:
Figure 1-10. Normal Flow Thru Filters (Sheet 2 of 2)
Change 12 1-15