TM 10-4610-232-12
Accumulator A device to reduce pressure surges caused by the high pressure pump (a vibration dampner).
AG media Lightweight filter material turning the top media layer in the media filter
Backwash Semi-automatic process of cleaning the media filter.
Brackish water Slightly salty water such as that found where a river enters the ocean and the outlet of a bed or
lagoon flooded by ocean tides.
Brine Very salty rejected feedwater. Also called waste, concentrate, and reject.
Biological warfare agents These are removed in the carbon filter of the NBC system.
Calcium/carbonate (Lime) A typeof dissolved salt found in the raw water which may form scale on the reverse
osmosis elements.
Calcium hypochlorite A form of chlorine used to control biological growth in water.
Calcium sulfate A type of dissolved salt found in the raw water which may form scale on the reverse osmosis
Chlorination The addition of chlorine to product water to prevent growth of micro organisms.
Concentrate See brine
Conductivity Salinity or amount of salt in solution.
Contaminants Any foreign substance found in the raw water or in the ROWPU systems.
Creep Gradual increase in outlet pressure.
Cuvette Glass test tubes that are matched exactly in all dimensions. Cuvettes must not be scratchedor get dirty
or results from chemical analyses will be Inaccurate.
Cyclone separators Devices which remove solids from a Iiquid through centrifugal action The Iiquid iS rotated
at high speed by its own velocity forcing the heavier solids out of the Iiquid.
Deionizer A device for removing any remaining nuclear radiation in the product water The deionizer IS part of
the NBC filtration system.
Differential pressure The difference between inlet and outlet pressures of a component Also called pressure
Dissolved solids Solid substances that must be removed from the raw water during purification.
Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) The electrical and magnetic pulse wave generated by a nuclear weapon.
Feed water Water input to the Water Purificationn System of the ROWPU.
Free chlorine level Amount of chlorine present in product water, measured in ppm or mg I.
Fouling The deposit of solids on the surface of the reverse osmosis (RO) elements Fouling is caused by
dissolved solids or biological growth.
Glossary 3