TM 10-4610-232-12
Hypochlorite - Calcium hyypochlorite (chlorine) used to destroy biological growth in water.
Inlet pressure - Pressure measured at the inlet of a component.
Nuclear, Biologlial, Chemical (NBC) -- Flitratlon unit of the ROWPU used to filter out nuclear, biological, or
chemilcal contaminants, includes carbon and deionizing (Dl) filtration.
Neutralize - To counteract the effects of contaminants in the water or ROWPU.
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU). -- A measurement of turbidity as determined by a turbtdity meter.
Nuclear warfare agents. These are removed in the deionizing (Dl) filter of the NBC filtration unit.
Osmosis - Process in which water diffuses through a membrane from a less concentrated saline solution to a
more concentrated saline solution.
Osmostic pressure The pressure generated by the osmotic passage of water into a more saline water.
Outlet pressure - Pressure measured at the outlet of a component.
PicoCuries. A measurement of nuclear radlatlon.
Polyelectrolyte - Chemilcal mixed with water to produce floe particles.
Portable wafer Water meeting military standards for drinkability.
Potential for hydrogen (pH) - This symbol IS used with a numeric value to Indicate the relative acidity or alkalinity
of a solution. The pH scale runs from 0-14 with number 7 being a neutral solution (pure water). The numbers6 to
1 Indicate increasing acidity and the numbers 8 to 14 indicate Increasing alkalinity.
Product Water produced by the Water Purification System of the ROWPU before adding hypochlorite.
Pulse dampener Unit to smooth out regularly repeated variations in output of RO pump.
Raw water Contaminated or untreated source of water for the Raw Water Intake System of the ROWPU.
Reagents Chemicals used to cause a reaction or change.
Reject See brine .
Reverse Osmosis (RO) A reversal of the osmosis process brought about by applying a water pressure greater
than osmotic pressure on water containing dissolved solids.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Element A device containing the membrane material which provides the reverse
osmosis separation, a feed channel for water passage and a product channel and collector for gathering the
purified water.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Vessel A high pressure cylinder which holds one or more RO elements.
Saline water A water containing dissolved solids (salts).
Scale - A build up of salts such as calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate on the reverse osmosis elements.
Semi-automatic A device or system which, when manually started, will continue to operate until an
operational cycle is complete.
Glossary 4