TM 10-4610-232-34
1-1. SCOPE.
a. Type of Manual. Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual.
b. Model Number and Equipment Name. Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit, referred to from now on in
this manual as the ROWPU. Two models are covered by this manual; Model WTA-060 as manufactured by Aqua-
Chem, Inc., and Model ROWPU-1 as manufactured by Keco industries, Inc. When any portion of this manual refers
to only one of these models, the statement (MODEL WA-060 ONLY) OR (MODEL ROWPU-1 ONLY) will be
placed immediately after the applicable sentence. If no reference is made to only one model, then that portion of
the manual applies to both models.
c. Purpose of the Equipment. Purifies water from many different sources to make potable (drinkable) water. Can
(1) Dirty fresh water.
(2) Brackish water (dirty and a little salty).
(3) Sea water (very salty).
(4) Fresh water containing nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) agents,
d. Special Limitations on Equipment:
(1) Operates in temperatures between -25°F and 110°F (-32°C and 43°C).
(2) Winterization kit must be used if operating temperature is below 32°F (0°C).
(3) RO elements may be ruined if they are allowed to freeze.
(4) Temperatures of the source water cannot be greater than 110°F (43°C).
(5) The amount of water produced depends on the temperature of water being purified.
(6) Must be hauled by M818 or M932 tractors.
(7) Side-to-side slope of the ROWPU cannot be more than 5 degrees. Greater slopes could cause unit to tip over.
1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS AND RECORDS. Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equip-
ment maintenance will be those prescribed by DA PAM 738-750, The Army Maintenance Management System
1-3. DESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE. Command decisions, according to
tactical decision, will decide when destruction of the ROWPU will take place. A destruction plan will be prepared by the
using organization, unless one has been prepared by higher authority. For general destruction procedures for this
equipment, refer to TM 750-244-3, Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use.
improvement let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us why a procedure is hard
to perform. Put it on an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it directly to Commander, U.S. Army Aviation and
Troop Command, ATTN: AMSAT-I-MDO, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. Well send a reply.
1-5. WARRANTY INFORMATION. The ROWPU is covered by a warranty. For the details of this warranty, refer to
TB 10-4610-232-24.
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