TM 10-4610-232-34
i. Remove four screws (25), nuts (26) and Iockwashers (27) and remove harness (28). Gasket (29) is now free.
j. Remove screw (30), stop plate (31), end plate (32), terminals (33), jumpers (34) and markers (35) as necessary.
Refer to TM 10-4610-232-12, para. 4-10.
k. Remove two screws (36), nuts (37), Iockwashers (38) and washers (39) and remove rail (40) from box (41).
a. Replace defective components,
b. Repair cable assemblies (para. 4-10, TM 104610 -232-1 2).
c. Repair damaged or missing wire markers (para. 4-10, TM 10-4610 -232-1 2).
d. Repair loose or damaged ring tongue connectors (para. 4-10, TM 10-4610-232-1 2).
a. Install rail (40) in box (41) and secure with screws (36), nuts (37), Iockwashers (38) and washers (39).
b. Install terminal board screw (30), stop plate (31), end plate (32), terminals (33), jumpers (34) and markers (35) on
rail (para. 4-10, TM 10-4610-232-12).
c. Place gasket (29)on harness assembly (28) and install harness assembly (28)on cover(23) using capscrews (25),
nuts (26) and Iockwashers (27).
d. Position box(41 ) on the brackets and install cover (23), gasket (24), cover (21 ) and gasket (22) and secure with
capscrews (1 6), washers (1 7), nuts (1 8), Iockwashers (1 9), washers (20), capscrews (10), washers (11), nuts (1 2),
Iockwashers(13) and washers (14 and 15).
e. Connect all cables to the box as follows:
Slide nuts (3), retainers (4), and bushings (5) on the cable to be installed.
Place sealing washer (8)on body (7)(either elbow or straight) and secure the body in box(41 ) with a conduit nut
Insert the wires (9) from the cable being installed through the body (7) just installed and connect the wires to
the terminal strip as tagged. Refer to Figure 2-40, sheet 2 if the marking tags are lost or illegible. Refer to TM
10-4610-232-12, para. 4-10 for procedures.
(4) Connect harness assembly wires (28, sheet 1 ) as tagged. Refer to TM 10-4610-232-12, para. 4-10.
(5) Tighten nut (3).
f. Refer to Figure 2-40, sheet 1 and reinstall cables on pressure switches as follows:
(1) install connector (51 ).
(2) Slide nut (48), retainer (49) and bushing (50) on cable (9) and insert the two wires from cable (9) into the
appropriate pressure switch (52). Connect the wires as tagged. If tags are lost, refer to the connections shown on sheet
2 of the illustration. Refer to TM 10-4610-232-12, para. 4-10.
(3) Tighten nut (48, sheet 1), install pressure switch plate (47) and secure with screw (46). Install clamp (45) and
secure with capscrews (42), Iockwashers (43) and washers (44).
g. Connect cable P24.
h Close the box cover and secure the cover with clamps (2) and two screws(1).