TM 10-4610-232-34
The switches are adjustable over the entire range of control. The adjustment
procedure will be described for switches that open on increasing pressure.
(2) Remove four screws (1) and cover (2).
(3) Locate the adjustment screw (9) on the side of the switch housing (10).
(4) Check with a multimeter for continuity across contacts.
If continuity is found, then switch is closed. If no
continuity is found, then switch is open.
(5) Start the ROWPU and bring pressure in ROWPU to pressures shown on Table 2-4.
(6) To adjust the Product Water Pressure Switch, do the following;
(a) If contacts are not closed, turn adjustment screw counterclockwise until contacts close.
(b) Turn adjustment screw clockwise until contacts just open. This sets the opening point from Table 2-4 to the
desired PSI.
(c) If contacts remain open or closed regardless of position of adjustment screw, switch is defective and must
be replaced.
(7) To adjust the High Pressure Suction Pump Pressure switch do the following;
(a) If contacts are not open, turn adjustment screw clockwise until contacts open.
(b) Turn adjustment screw counterclockwise until contacts just close. This sets the closing point from Table 2-4
to the desired PSI.
(c) If contacts remain open or closed regardless of position of adjustment screw, switch is defective and must
be replaced.
(12) Install cover (8) and two screws (7).
(13) Install cover (2) and four screws (1).
Figure 2-41.1 Pressure Switch Adjustment.
Change 3
2-156.1/(2-156.2 Blank)