TM 10-4610-232-34
Table 2-1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
1. Air blanket does not work. (Ref. Schematic diagram FO-1, sheet 8, schematic lines 804-808).
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
Step 8.
Step 9.
The air blanket circuits only supply air to the top of the media filter when the ROWPU is
operating in system NORMAL and the high pressure pump is running. The level
assembly on the media filter controls the cycling of the air blanket solenoid valve. When
the water level rises to the height of the top switch on the assembly, the air blanket
solenoid valve opens. It stays open until the water level drops to the middle switch on the
level assembly at which time it closes until the water level again rises.
Shut down ROWPU and generator. Refer to electrical drawings in Appendix D and check continuity,
point-to-point, relay K1(B3X) (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 6) to J16R (REF: Interconnection
diagram FO-2, Sheet 9). Repeat the procedure from transformer T1(X2) (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2,
Sheet 10) to J16S. Remove P16 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) during testing.
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wires (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace/repair connector J16 if faulty (para. 2-21).
Check continuity from P16R to J47A (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) and from P16S to J47B.
(a) Replace/repair the connectors and cable assembly if faulty (para. 4-27 of TM 10-4610-232-12).
(b) Return the ROWPU to service after the above checks and repairs. Check the air blanket for correct
Shut down the ROWPU. Drain the media filter until water stops coming out of the media filter upper drain
valve. Disconnect J37 and J36 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) from the media filter level
assembly. Remove the bottom of the level assembly chamber and remove the float. (Be careful. It drops out as
soon as the chamber bottom is removed.) Check for continuity across P36A (REF: Interconnection diagram
FO-2, Sheet 15) and P36B.
If there is no continuity, replace LSL5 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) (para. 4-52 of TM
Reinsert the float into the chamber with the arrow pointing up and push it slowly up the chamber with a
non-metallic rod. LSL5(P36A/B) should open as the float passes it and stay open. Push the float to the top of
the chamber and then let it descend. LSL5 should close as the float passes by it.
Replace LSL5 if it does not act as noted (para. 4-52 of TM 10-4610-232-12),
Check for continuity across P37A (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) and P37B.
Replace LSH (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) if there is continuity (para. 4-52 of TM
10-4610-232-1 2).
Reinsert the float into the chamber with the arrow pointing up and push it slowly up the chamber with a
non-metallic rod, LSH(P37A/B) should close as the float passes it and stay closed. Push the float to the top of
the chamber and then let it descend. LSH should open as the float passes by it.
Replace LSH if it does not act as noted (para. 4-53 of TM 10-4610-232-12).
Check continuity from P14X (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 15) to J37A, from P14Z to J37B,
from P14V to J36A, and from P14W to J36B.
Replace/repair the cable and connectors if any open circuits are found (para. 4-27 of TM 10-4610-232-12.
Shut down the generator. Refer to electrical drawings in Appendix D and remove wires #315, 316 and 317
from relay K28 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 6). Check continuity, point-to-point, from wire
#315 to J14X (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 9), from wire #317 to J14W and from wire #316 to
J14Z and to J14V.
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wires (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace/repair J14 if faulty (para. 2-21).
Remove the #2A wire from K28. Check continuity, point-to-point, from CB9 (REF: Interconnection diagram
FO-2, Sheet 8) to wire #264 on K28 and from transformer T1(X2) to the #2A wire on K28.
Repair any loose or damaged wires (para. 2-20).
Change 1