TM 10-4610-240-24
TM 08580C-24/2
TO 40W4-13-22
l. Multimedia Filter (12). Performs first stage filtration Removes most dissolved solids
m. Multimedia Filter Gage (13). Indicates differential pressure across multimedia filter
n. Vent Multimedia Filter Valve (14). Releases air from multimedia filter while filter is filling during ROWPU startup
o. Booster Pump (15) Forces output of multimedia filter through the cartridge filter
p. Cartridge Filter (16). Performs second stage filtration Removes very small dissolved solids.
q. Cartridge Filter Gage (17). Indicates differential pressure across cartridge filter.
r. Vent Cartridge Filter Valve (18). Release air from cartridge filter while filter is filling during ROWPU startup.
s. Low-Pressure Switch (19). Senses pressure in output line from cartridge filter. When line pressure drops below
10 psi, causes R.O. pump to shut down and RO PUMP LOW PRESSURE indicator to light.
t. R.O Pump (20). Develops high pressure needed to force output of cartridge filter through R.O. elements
u. Rupture Disk (21). Ruptures to relieve pressure if pressure reaches 1425 psi as indicated on R.O. PRESSURE
PSI gage. Prevents damage to system if high-pressure relief valve fails to open and high-pressure switch fails to
shut down the R.O. pump.
v. Pulse Dampener (22). Reduces pulsing effect of R.O. pump. Smooths flow of water through R.O. elements
w. Vent Pulse Dampener Valve (23). Releases air from pulse dampener while pulse dampener is filling during
ROWPU startup.
x. High-Pressure Relief Value (24). Opens to relieve pressure if pressure in line between pulse dampener and R.O.
elements goes above 1100 psi.
y. High-Pressure Switch (25). Senses pressure in line between pulse dampener and R.O elements. If pressure
rises above 1250 psi and high-pressure relief valve fails to open, causes R O pump to shut down and R.O.
PUMP HIGH PRESSURE indicator to light.
z. R O. Pressure PSI Gage (26) Indicates output pressure of R.O. pump.
aa. R 0. Elements (27). Perform final filtration. Water from pulse dampener flows into outer shell of one pressure
vessel Inside the pressure vessel, pure water is forced into the two filter elements through their permeable
membrane surfaces Water still containing foreign matter flows through the other three pressure vessels in series
In each pressure vessel, pure water is forced into the filter elements The remaining