TM 10-4610-241-10
TO 40W4-13-41
Normal Shutdown (Less Than 24 Hours).
Table 2-5 lists the normal shutdown (less than 24 hours) sequence in tabular form.
Set chemical feed RUN/PRIME valves to PRIME (figure 2-60).
Set chemical feed pump control knobs to 10 (figure 2-56).
Turn REGULATE PRODUCT FLOW valve (I, figure 2-74) to full OPEN.
Set VENT PRODUCT WATER valve (7, figure 2-46) to open position.
Turn VENT VESSELS gate valve (5, figure 2-46) to full open position.
Set VENT CARTRIDGE FILTER valve (2, figure 2-74) to OPEN.
Set VENT PULSE DAMPENER valve (3, figure 2-74) (Models WPES-10, WPES-20, and
WPES-30) to OPEN.
Set VENT MULTIMEDIA FILTER valve (4, figure 2-74) to OPEN.
Set R.O. PUMP switch (5, figure 2-74) to STOP.
Set BOOSTER PUMP switch (6, figure 2-74) to STOP.
Set CHEMICAL FEED PUMP switch (7, figure 2-74) to STOP.
Set RAW WATER PUMP NO. 2 switch (8, figure 2-74) to STOP.
Set RAW WATER PUMP NO. 1 switch (9, figure 2-74) to STOP.
CB-2, CB-8 and CB-9 must remain on (up) to perform backwash procedures.
Leave circuit breakers on if extended shutdown will be performed.
Set circuit breakers CB-1 thru CB-9 to off(down)(figure 2-5).
Extended Shutdown (72 hours or more).
Perform R.O. element cleaning (para 2-13).
Perform procedures contained in Operation in Saltwater areas (para. 2-25) if unit was operated on
saltwater or brackish water.
2-120 Change 2