2-77. FLATBED CARGO TRAILER REPAIR (WPES-10 AND H-9518-1) - continued.
TM 10-4610-241-24
TO 40W4-13-42
Load grease gun with grease per LO l0-4610-241-12.
Four grease fitting are located at trurnnion axle (29) and one each is located on four
spider brake fins (30), four slack adjusters (32), four bushing housings (3 1) and four jack
stands (33).
Wipe off each grease fitting with a clean rag and inspect for rust/corrosion and damage.
Replace damaged corroded fitting.
Connect adapter of grease gun to each grease fitting and inject grease, equivalent to three or four strokes on
manual grease gun.
If grease cannot be injected because of clogged or inoperable fittings, replace fitting.
Remove grease gun adapter and wipe of all grease on fitting and surrounding areas.
Change 1 2-305