TM 10-6630-245-13&P
Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for WQAS-PM - Continued.
Item To Be
Not Fully Mission Capable If:
Spectrophotometer k. Inspect turbidity meter cards for
k. There is not at least one unmarred,
undamaged scale.
l. Inspect percent transmittance
l. There is not at least one unmarred,
absorbance meter cards for damage.
undamaged scale.
m. Inspect batteries for quantity, damage.
m. Less than quantity of eight. Batteries
Remove batteries if reuse of unit is not
not sealed, batteries deteriorated.
planned within two weeks.
n. Make sure battery pack cable is
disconnected (para
o. Make sure that alternate line voltage
plug is in storage well.
Chemicals and
a. Inspect pH Indicator Solution for
a. Less than one half-full bottle. Shelf
quantity, current shelf life, leaking
life expired. Leakage is evident (until
container, readable label.
cleaned up and replaced). Contents
b. Inspect Fluoride Standard Solution for
b. Bottle less than 25% full. Shelf life
quantity, current shelf life, leaking
expired. Leakage is evident (until
container, readable label.
cleaned up and replaced). Contents
c. Inspect SPADNS Fluoride Reagent
c. Bottle less than 25% full. Shelf life
Solution for quantity, current shelf life,
expired. Leakage is evident (until
leaking container, readable label.
cleaned up and replaced). Contents
d. Inspect Mercuric Potassium (Nessler
d. Bottle less than 25% full. Shelf life
Reagent) Solution for quantity, current
expired. Leakage is evident (until
shelf life, leaking container, readable
cleaned up and replaced). Contents
e. Inspect Rochelle Salt Solution for
e. Bottle less than 25% full. Shelf life
quantity, current shelf life, leaking
expired. Leakage is evident (until
container, readable label.
cleaned up and replaced). Contents
f. Inspect Sulfate Test Reagent powder
f. Shelf life expired. Leakage of pillows
pillows for current shelf life, damaged
is evident (until cleaned up and
pillows, readable label.
replaced). Contents unidentifiable.
g. Inspect Nitrate Test Reagent powder
g. Shelf life expired. Leakage of pillows
pillows for current shelf life, damaged
is evident (until cleaned up and
pillows, readable label.
replaced). Contents unidentifiable.
h. Inspect Ferrous Iron Reagent powder
h. Shelf life expired. Leakage of pillows
pillows for current shelf life, damaged
is evident (until cleaned up and
pillows, readable label.
replaced). Contents unidentifiable.
i. Inspect Iron Reagent powder pillows
i. Shelf life expired. Leakage of pillows
(for 5 ml sample) for current shelf life,
is evident (until cleaned up and
damaged pillows, readable label.
replaced). Contents unidentifiable.