TM 10-6630-246-12&P
TM 09241B-12&P
Check turbidity meter (1) for any visible damage. If damaged, notify supervisor.
Check probe (2) for any visible damage, cut or frayed wire lead or damaged connector end. If
damaged, replace. See paragraph 2-10.
Inspect probe (2) tip, deflector cone (3), and thumb screw (4) for serviceability.
Clean turbidity meter (1) with a damp rag and detergent if necessary. Remove detergent residue with a
damp rag and dry thoroughly before repacking.
Use only a soft cloth or optical lens tissue to clean probe tip and deflector cone. Scratches on probe tip or
deflector cone can cause errors in readings when meter is used.
Clean probe (2) with a damp rag and detergent if necessary. Rinse with a damp rag and dry thoroughly
before repacking.
Clean probe (2) tip, deflector cone (3), and thumb screw (4) with a stream of water and detergent if
necessary and rinse with demineralized or distilled water. Dry thoroughly before repacking.
Remove four screws (5), back cover (6), and battery (7), if installed. Store battery in one of the case
battery storage areas unless immediate use of the meter is anticipated.
Secure back cover (6) using four screws (5).
If battery is suspected to be bad, replace it. See paragraph 2-10.
Dispose of old batteries in accordance will local regulations/ordinances.
Calibration. Calibration is performed during setup for use. See paragraph 2-10.
Repair is limited to replacement of probe only.