TM 5-3800-205-23-3
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Warranty. A written agreement between a contractor and the Government that outlines the rights and obligations of both
parties for defective supplies.
Warranty Claim. Action started by the equipment users for authorized warranty repair or reimbursement.
Warranty Period. Time during which the warranty is in effect.
10. Warranty Start Date. The date the warranty is put into effect (stamped on warranty plate). The warranty plate is proof of
warranty start date for all warranties.
Machine Registration. Upon machine handoff to the assigned unit, the warranty plate will be stamped by the local Cater-
pillar dealer with the machine warranty start and end dates. The warranty start date for each machine will then be entered
into the Caterpillar Warranty Database. Entry of the warranty start date activates the coverage for each machine and
allows any Caterpillar dealer worldwide to view the warranty coverage for the machine. This data is accessed by Caterpil-
lar machine serial number.
Warranty Questions. Any questions regarding warranty coverage should be directed to Caterpillar, Defense and Federal
Products at (309) 578-3295 or Caterpillar Operator at (309) 675-1000 and ask for Defense and Federal Products.
Local Caterpillar Dealer Contact Information. To be completed by Caterpillar Dealer at time of machine delivery.
Dealer Name:
Point of Contact:
Telephone Number:
Cellular Number:
E-mail Address:
To Obtain Warranty Service. The ASWDS contract provides you with two options (Caterpillar repair or Government
repair) for correcting warranty defects. The choice is the responsibility of the local unit or installation.
Caterpillar Repair.
(1) The using unit should contact the local Caterpillar Dealer (locations and phone numbers are available at http:// or in Table 2 at the end of this work package) to coordinate delivery of the machine to the dealer
for analysis or providing for dealer travel to the machine for analysis.
(2) The Caterpillar Dealer will evaluate the problem to determine if the required repair is covered by warranty.
(a) If the required repair is not covered by warranty, the dealer will contact the unit for further instructions and
the unit will be responsible for dealer expenses incurred during machine analysis.
(b) If the required repair is covered by warranty, the dealer will make the repairs and submit claims to Caterpil-
lar for reimbursement.
(3) The Caterpillar dealer will provide travel time and mileage or transportation of the machine as part of the war-
rantable repair.
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