TM 5-4610-218-12
mixing zone.
(3) Influent launder. The two influent laun-
ders are constructed of aluminum and are attached
(9) Agitator speed reducer. The speed re-
ducer (fig. 1-3) is mounted on brackets attached to
is introduced into the influent launders through
the agitator bearing mounting plate. It reduces the
speed from the agitator drive motor to the erdlator
into the downcomer tube, or mixing zone.
agitator drive shaft.
(4) Effluent launder. The effluent launder is
(10) Agitator drive motor. The agitator
one piece, circular-shaped aluminum through that
drive motor is mounted on an adjustable sliding
surrounds the downcomer tube. It is attached to the
base attached to the bridge rail assembly. It is a
bridge rail assembly by three adjustable support
three-phase, totally enclosed motor, with oblong
rods. It collects the clear water from the upper sec-
mounting holes in the base for adjustment and
tion of the erdlator tank and discharges it into the
wet well tank.
(11) Bridge rail assembly. The bridge rail
(5) Wet well tank. The wet well tank is made
assembly consists of two aluminum channels at-
of aluminum, and consists of a triangular section
tached to the top of the erdlator tank. They are used
welded to the rear quadrant of the erdlator tank for
for supporting components of the erdlator assembly
the collection of the effluent from the erdlator. the
located over the tank.
capacity of the wet well tank is approximately 150
e. Filter Section.
gallons. It provides for limited storage of coagulated
(1) Diatomite filter. The filter section con-
water, and serves as a sump for the suction of the
tains a diatomite filter (fig. 1-3) specifically de-
filter pump. It contains an overflow pipe, to permit
signed to emply the filtration properties of di-
operation of the erdlator at the rated capacity when
atomaceous earth. The filter is essentially a two-
the filters are stopped. A drain in the bottom of the
part cylinder containing six filter elements, each
wet well permits complete drainage of the tank to
with a total filtering area of 10.02 square feet. The
waste when water unsuited for filtering is obtained
filter has two pressure gages for indicating the
from the erdlator.
pressure on the influent and effluent side of the fil-
(6) Sludge concentrator tank. The sludge
ter, a precoat funnel for adding prepared diatomite
concentrator tank is welded externally to the front
slurry for precoating the filter elements, and an air
of the wet well tank. It is a square, funnel-shaped
release valve for releasing air trapped in the filter.
aluminum tank with a shorter circular tank welded
(2) Valves and piping. A flow controller
to the inside of it. There is an inlet inside the main
valve is located in the effluent filtered water line of
tank near the bottom which permits the woolly
the filter to maintain a fixed constant rate of flow
slurry to enter by gravity. The inner tank has an
through the filter. There are also additional valves
opening in the bottom, controlled by a manually-
and piping necessary for operation of the filter.
operated plug valve to permit intermittent drain-
age of the slurry to waste. There is an outlet near
(3) Filter pump. The filter section contains a
the top of the main tank with a manually-operated
filter pump for pumping the coagulated water
valve to control the flow of clear coagulated water
through the filter.
to the wet well. There is also an outlet in the bottom
f. Chemical Feed Equipment.
for draining the tank.
(1) Chemical slurry feeder. The chemical
(7) Slurry weir box. The slurry weir box (fig.
slurry is essentially of an aluminum tank divided
1-4) is a small aluminum tank welded externally to
into two equal water-tight compartments. The two
the erdlator tank. It houses the draw-off port near
compartments are covered with one hinged cover.
the top of the erdlator and permits gravity flow of
Each compartment has four agitators with mea-
flocculent slurry from the erdlator tank to the
suring cups attached to diametrically opposite agi-
sludge concentrator tank.
tators, a clear-plastic window, drain outlets, col-
(8) Agitator shaft and downcomer tube.
lecting funnel, tilling connection, and rate-of-
The agitator shaft consists of a tubular shaft with
discharge controller. The chemical slurry feeder ag-
five equally-spaced circular disks attached It is
itators operate from a common shaft and rotates
mounted in the center of the erdlator tank on the
vertically. Each compartment functions as a sepa-
bearing support. The agitator shaft is surrounded
rate unit, permitting two different chemical solu-
by the downcomer tube and baffle ring to form the
tions to be fed at the same time. The chemical slurry