TM 5-4610-218-12
(2) preparation of solution.
d. Preparation of Calcium Hypochlorite.
(1) Initial base charge. The initial base
(a) Empty the contents of one plastic bag
charge for calcium hypochlorite as shown on the
(one pound each) of ferric chloride in a rubber pail.
calcium hypochlorite solution chart (fig. 2-7) is one-
(b) Add two gallons of raw water and stir
eighth pound of calcium hypochlorite per each gal-
the contents with a wooden paddle or stick until the
lon of raw water.
ferric chloride is completely dissolved. Then pour
the solution into the right-hand - or ferric chloride
Figure 2-7. Calcium hypochlorite solutution calibration chart.
(2) Initial charging.
(2) Preparation of solution.
(a) Open the 1/2-inch control valves CV-7
(a) Measure three-eighths pound of cal-
and CV-8 (fig. 2-1) located on the raw water line to
cium hypochlorite into the calibrated plastic mea-
the slurry feeder.
suring cup provided especially for this purpose.
Pour the contents of the cup into the other rubber
9) until the water level reaches the high level
marker located inside the slurry feeder tank.
(b) Fill the pail to the three-gallon mark
with raw water. Stir the water with a wooden pad-
(c) Close the 1/2-inch control valve CV-8
dle or stick until the hypochlorite is completely dis-
(d) Push the slurry feeder START button
(c) Pour the contents of the pail in the left
hand or calcium hypochlorite solution tank (fig. 1-
add 14 pound of limestone to the limestone compart-
e. Preparation of Limestone Slurry.
ment of the slurry feeder. Close the charging door.
(1) Initial base charge. The concentration
of limestone slurry for the initial charge is one
An aluminum measure is provided for
pound of limestone per gallon of raw water, as
measuring the limestone. This mea-
sure is graduated from 1/2 pound
ure 2-8.
(. 227 kg) to 5-1/2 pounds (2.496 kg) in
increments of 1/2 pound (. 227 kg.).